Friday, February 3, 2012

My Vocabulary Choice

1. COROLLARY inference; result
3. CORROBORATE to strengthen; to confirm
4. COVERT concealed; secret
5. COWER to cringe in fear
6. CREDIBLE believable
7. CULPABLE deserving blame
8. CURSORY superficial
9. DANK chilly and wet
10. DAUNT to discourage
11. DEBASE to lower in rank
12. DEBAUCH to corrupt
13. DEBILITY weakness
14. DECREPIT weakened by age
15. DEFERENCE respect

1. DELETERIOUS harmful
2. DELINEATE to describe
3. DEMEANOR behavior
4. DEMURE shy
5. DEPLORE to regret
6. DEPRAVED sinful
7. DEPRECATE to disapprove of
8. DERISION ridicule
9. DESIST (desist from) to stop doing something
10. DESULTORY disconnected; rambling
11. DICHOTOMY division into two parts
12. DIDACTIC instructive
13. DIFFIDENT lacking confidence
14. DIGRESS to stray from the main subject
15. DILEMMA difficult situation 

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