Monday, January 30, 2012

My Favorite Series

I don't have a favorite book, but I have a favorite series, it is called The Series of Unfortunate Events. It is a book full of mysteries, adventures, and is a long good book to read. The protagonists encounters lots of adventures and pain. The book has good details and tells of each characters' opinion of what the character thinks. It is also sad and when whatever bad thing happens to the good characters, you might want it to be the opposite and whatever good things happens to the antagonist, you might want it to be the opposite. I love this book because it teaches you to learn a lot so whenever something bad happens to you, you can use the things you learn to help you.

Standard #7 Reads a Book

I am going to read Who Killed Sack Annie?.
I have to read everyday for twenty minutes or more, and log to a blog for any three days. My log should be six-eight sentences long.

My Prediction IIII

Prediction #1:

I predict that the people there are trying to get ready for something, maybe an act. I predict that because they were trying to get some materials from one place to the next and they look like they are in a hurry to finish their job. Also there were electricity lines so maybe they were putting those up to act in the woods.

My Prediction III

Prediction # 3:

I predict that the men are studying about the penguins by the way they look closely at the penguins. They also have an expression that tells they are trying to figure out something. And they look like they were prepared to come and study penguins and take pictures of them. And they look like they were maybe following the penguins for a couple of days because of how prepared they were and how they had their things with them.

My Prediction II

Prediction #8:

I predict that the girl saw something cool outside like a moose. I think that because I have sisters and brothers at home and when they see a moose, they press their face on the window to see clearer and then they point to it and shout. So I think that the little girl might be watching an animal out there eating grass and got excited and point to it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What I accomplish

I finish the directions but don't know if I did all of them right because it was a bit confusing to me and I finish the introduction activity for the author's purpose standard. I am going to move to the next hit on Thursday if I don't have anything to do.


Here is what I added to my prediction #3:

And they look like they were maybe following the penguins for a couple of days because of how prepared they were and how they had their things with them.

My Predictions

Prediction # 7:

I predict that the dog maybe just got out of some dirty mud and made some pawprints on the man's property. I predict that because the man was looking all angry and was kind of like chasing the dog away and the dog looked scared.

1/24 Class Time Standards Focus

I am working on the standard RL.10.ST.10.01 which is "states an author's purpose and audience"
after I finish doing what Mrs. Carton tells me to. FREERICE is NOT an option today (AS I AM NOT THERE).

Friday, January 20, 2012

Standard I am focusing on

Standard I am working on:


What it means:

State an author's purpose and audience

How I will get it:

Consistently and clearly defines author's purpose and audience in given texts.

When I will be finish with it:

Maybe after Exploratory Friday